30 July 2009


Another wife with a husband on the Alex contacted me on facebook and I am so thankful! Now I have someone to talk about my worries about this mission to. He will be home kind of soon so I am happy about that but jeez I have only seen him about half of our entire relationship! I am in NC now visiting family and will be home Friday night... Just about finished the time travelers wife- a book I have had for a while but never picked up, it was well interesting.... quite a change from my normal reads.
must go.

23 July 2009


My husband is riding on another boat right now, and I am a little worried. This is the first time I think I have a reason to be nervous but I don't know anyone on the boat he is on so I have no one to talk about it to...

16 July 2009

Prenatal check up

Well tomorrow I am scheduling my first prenatal exam. I am looking to meet a nice doctor who will walk me through conception and pregnancy. Hubby and I have been actively trying for 2 weeks and i'm feeling a little maybe well pregnant. I am hoping I am! I'm looking to go to the NHCNE on base, anyone know if they have good doctors in the obstetric dept?

13 July 2009

New and improved blog

Hey all, I have finally updated and improved my blog. I am married now, to a naval officer I met around the end of January, we are as happy as can be, granted he has only been around for half of our relationship. Adjusting to being a navy wife is not easy but i'm pushing through, its hard when the navy is so unpredictable at times and stressful for my husband. Anywho, just wanted to say hi to everyone who stumbles upon this blog.
Have a great day!