30 July 2009


Another wife with a husband on the Alex contacted me on facebook and I am so thankful! Now I have someone to talk about my worries about this mission to. He will be home kind of soon so I am happy about that but jeez I have only seen him about half of our entire relationship! I am in NC now visiting family and will be home Friday night... Just about finished the time travelers wife- a book I have had for a while but never picked up, it was well interesting.... quite a change from my normal reads.
must go.


  1. I didn't know your husband was on the Alex right now. Mine is and i'm freaked! If you ever need someone to talk to i'm here!

  2. i totally didn't know i had any comments lol I figured if I did the blog dashboard would have told me!! anyway yeah he is, just for this underway- they want him to have the alex as his boat not the springfield so we will see what happens! i am too, they should be fine though, right? if you ever need anyone to talk to let me know!
